Una propina consiste en el pago voluntario como recompensa por un buen trato recibido. Generalmente estos pagos van dirigidos a empleados del sector servicios (camareros, taxistas, …). En Europa es bastante común dejar una parte del cambio como propina cuando la atención por parte del servidor ha sido excepcional y...

Yahoo r3 is a powerful tool for building websites which could require multiple languages or dimensions. The r3 outputs may be plain text files, web templates, configuration files or even source code. Sometimes maintaining a big site translated into different languages can become a nightmare, but r3 lets you do...

Redis (REmote DIctionary Server) is a persistent key-value database with built-in net interface written in ANSI-C for Posix systems. Whilst it may at first seem like the wheel is being reinvented here, the need for something beyond a simple key-value database is pretty clear. It’s possible to use Redis like...

Raphael Stolt published a method to get a visualization of a Phing buildfile a few days ago: Out of the box the Phing -l option can be used to get a first overview of all available targets in a given buildfile but it doesn’t untangle the target dependencies and sometimes...

As you probably know, it’s possible to have multiple constructors in Java. They need to have the same name as the class, and they can only be distinguished by the number and type of arguments. In PHP5, you can only have one constructor. You can define it using the reserved...